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Rounded Rectangle:  ERP Systems


CAC ERP Systems is your Business Management System.

CAC ERP Systems
emphasis on:

Our system that enables you to connect & control your enterprise efficiently.


We are powered with a strong consultant team of over 30 years experience.


We aim at providing a very cost effective solution suitable for SME in Hong Kong and China.


CAC ERP Systems is made up of a series of modulus including: Costing sheet, Sales Order Processing, Billing, MRP, BOM and ECN, Production Planning, Master Production Scheduling, Purchase Requisition, Subcontractor Control, Purchase Order Processing, GRN and IQC, Production Control, VAT calculation, Shop Floor Control, China Customs Systems, Garment System, Lot no. tracing Systems, EIS Systems, CRM Systems, Payroll Systems, Accounting System, and so on..... 


In our 30 years of experience in business software solution providers, we understand that business environment is changing and technology is renewing. CAC determines to improve our services and development technique continuously.


We grow with your business landscape.







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